Life Skills - Grade 1 - Beginning Knowledge and Personal and Social Well-being
Recommended for use in Grade 1
Delivery times
Times are from when payment reflects in our bank account.
- Main and regional areas: 5 - 8 working days
- Remote areas: 9 - 12 working days
You can relax knowing all your Life Skills - Beginning Knowledge and Personal and Social Well-being - is sorted for the year!
This book encompasses everything required in the CAPS syllabus for Life Skills - Beginning Knowledge and Personal and Social Well-being for Grade 1. The topics even match the CAPS time periods specified. Base your lessons around the comprehensive worksheets and save yourself hours.
Religious Days, Special Days, and Festivals are required at the end of each term. Because this section can be personal and specific to people, cultures, and schools, we have decided to let the teachers choose what's appropriate for their classes and schools. We have left blank pages for that section.
A set of 20 worksheets on Special Days, Festivals, and Religious Days is available as a downloadable PDF product at Happy Learners (3rd party website). You can make copies and the learners can paste them into their "Life Skills" book on the blank pages provided.