Bronne van water
Original price
R 35.00
Original price
R 35.00
Original price
R 35.00
R 35.00
R 35.00
Current price
R 35.00
Delivery times
Times are from when payment reflects in our bank account.
- Main and regional areas: 5 - 8 working days
- Remote areas: 9 - 12 working days
Full colour wall chart / poster depicting different sources of water, in Afrikaans " Bronne van water ". These include:
- Groundwater (boreholes, springs, wells) " Grondwater ( boorgate , fonteine , putte )
- Upland lakes and reservoirs " Hoogliggende mere en opvangdamme "
- Rivers, canals and lowland reservoirs " Riviere, kanale en lagliggende opvangdamme "
- Rain " Reen "
- Atmospheric water generation " Atmosferiese wateropwekking "
- Desalination of sea water " Ontsouting van seewater "