Original price
R 35.00
Original price
R 35.00
Original price
R 35.00
R 35.00
R 35.00
Current price
R 35.00
Delivery times
Times are from when payment reflects in our bank account.
- Main and regional areas: 5 - 8 working days
- Remote areas: 9 - 12 working days
Full colour wall chart / poster depicting different sea creatures, in Afrikaans " Seebewoners " with a picture of each creature and the name of the created written beside the picture.
- sharks " haai "
- swordfish " swaardvis "
- sea lion " seeleeu "
- electric eel " paling "
- variety of fish " vissies "
- penguin " pikkewyn "
- turtle " seeskilpad "
- crab " krap "
- octopus " seekat "
- lobster " kreef "
- dolphin " dolfyn "
- seahorse " seeperdjie "
- starfish " seester "
- whale " walvis "
- jellyfish " jellievis "
- cape fur seal " Kaapse pelsrob "