Sound Charts — Grade 3 (NOT Laminated)
Delivery times
Times are from when payment reflects in our bank account.
- Main and regional areas: 5 - 8 working days
- Remote areas: 9 - 12 working days
41 wall posters / charts displaying different phonetic sounds, and words that include those sounds.
Extension of Consonant Blends
-nd stand; spend; brand; blend; gland
-lt spilt; stilt; smelt
-ft left; drift; swift
-mp skimp; slump; clamp; plump; stamp
-pt slept; crept; swept
-nt print; blunt; stunt; spent; scant
-st crust; trust; twist
-sk brisk; frisk
-sp lisp; crisp
Consonant Blends
qu- quick; quiet; queen; quote; quarter
-nk drink; blink; trunk; blank; plank
-ss cross; dress; press; bliss; floss
-ng sling; swing; clang; prong; stung
-ff cliff; stiff; bluff; snuff; scoff
-ll skill; spill; skull; spell; smell
Consonant Digraphs
ch- chill; chimp; chest; champ; chunk
-th- bath; cloth; think; thank
-sh brush; crash; fresh; flash
-tch itch; witch; catch; fetch
-nch pinch; hunch; bench; lunch; finch
Unstressed "-le"
If preceeded by one consonant, the preceding vowel is long.
-le able; bible; cradle; stable
If preceeded by two or more consonants, the preceding vowel is short.
-le bottle; needle; middle; jumble; puzzle
Double Vowels
-ou- couch; house; mouth; ground
-au- haul; maul; taut; August
-oa- boat; road; foam; soap
-ai- pail; pain; snail; maid; again
-ea- leaf; meal; clean; speak; dream
-ie- tie; flies; pies; dried; cried
-ue- (pronounced "you") cue; due; avenue; Tuesday
-igh high; light; night; knight; height
-ew- new; dew; stew; knew
-ue- (pronounced -oo- glue; blue; clue; true
-oi- soil; coin; point; toilet; choice
Fairy "e" after soft "c"
-ce dice; face; price; truce; space
Fairy "e" after soft "g"
-age age; rage; page; cage; stage
Final "-y"
-y lady; story; sticky; happy; puppy
-air air; lair; fair; hair; chair
-are scare; share; glare; care; rare
Long -o colt; bolt; bold; cold
"Barn" -a- (pronounced "ah") ask; pass; plant; grasp; craft
Long -i- find; wild; child; blind; behind