Die Probleemoplossingsiklus
Original price
R 35.00
Original price
R 35.00
Original price
R 35.00
R 35.00
R 35.00
Current price
R 35.00
Delivery times
Times are from when payment reflects in our bank account.
- Main and regional areas: 5 - 8 working days
- Remote areas: 9 - 12 working days
Full Colour wall chart / poster naming the 7 steps in the problem solving cycle, in Afrikaans " Die probleem-oplossingsiklus ".
- Identify the problem. ( Identifiseer de probleem )
- Analyse the causes of the problem. (Ontleed die oorsake van die probleem )
- Find possible solutions. ( Vind moontlike oplossings )
- Choose the best solution. ( Kies die beste oplossing )
- Create a plan of action. ( Formuleer 'n plan van aksie )
- Implement the chosen solution. ( Implementeer die gekose oplossing )
- Evaluate the chosen solution. ( Evalueer die gekose oplossing )